No one is perfect… that’s why pencils have erasers.
- Wolfgang Riebe
PowerShell is fantastic! I’ve been using it as my shell for a couple of years now. I was using the git bash before that, and one thing I missed was using less to page data.
When I run git log I can count on using d to page down and u to page up, / to search, etc.
While learning and using PowerShell, I fire up the Get-Help CmdLet quite often to learn details of a particular CmdLet I’m interested in. Get-Help by itself firehoses the data to the console too fast to read, so you’ll have to scroll up. A better solution is to pipe the results to more, which allows you to hit Enter to scroll one line at a time or space to scroll a page at a time. But what about scrolling back up? I could do that with less.
I have git installed and C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\less.exe is on my path, so this works! Bit of a pain to pipe it to less each time though. I should just edit the built-in help function and change it from using more to using less.
Sometimes less is more.
But hey! the team behind Powershell Community Extensions (PSCX) has already done that for me. Thanks! They’ve even wrapped it up in a function that makes it more PowerShell-friendly. The docs from that function reveal more about enabling and disabling this support.
If you’re interested in checking out these community-contributed extensions, download the .msi for your version of PowerShell and rock on!