Install OpenSSL on Windows using Chocolatey
The Windows binaries that the OpenSSL project will point you to are linked from this page. But I sure do like installing all the things via Chocolatey these days. Currently there’s no Chocolatey package for OpenSSL.
I do have it available on my main Windows computer’s command line.. Now how did it get there?
Get-Command openssl.exe | select Path
C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin\openssl.exe
Oh there it is under OpenVPN, now I DO see a Chocolatey package for that!
OK, now to install OpenVPN via Chocolatey.
cinst openvpn
And now I’ll have to add the bin folder to the %PATH%.
C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\bin
And we’re done!
- Create Chocolatey package for OpenSSL.